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Got Cabin Fever?

By Ms. Zany. AJ March 2020

O-M-G! ANOTHER DAY QUARANTINE (UGH)! How many of us are waking up another morning asking ourselves the same question? ( "Everybody put your hands UpđŸŽ¶ ) For the first week I was doing just fine...I had sooo much planned ( Yeah Right!) All classes had to end abruptly, which was understood (Still a sad😔). I sat down with my daughter and planned out our entire week of Fun and Learning! I actually thought I was being proactive by planning out my day with her, so I would have plenty of time to crack open my laptop and do some “work from home”! Ha! As I laughed in the face of time management! Truthfully time management R.O.L (rolled over laughing) in my face! For the first 2 days I found myself enjoying some well deserved rest, I hit the snooze button twice and LOVED IT!

Meanwhile, across the way my daughter is in her room bright eyed and bushy-tailed thinking that this is Spring Break! ("NOOOO Boo-Boo, It ain’t!") Remember that “proactive” conversation I had with her about planning our mix of Fun and Learning for the week? Yeah, that conversation, Yup, went in one ear and out the other! From Day one when her school sent home her work packet, which is another discussion in my upcoming newsletter my dear parents (SMH!), my daughter did not fully grasp the true reason why she was and still is out of school. Soooo, I gave her two days to herself, YEEEESSSS, the Science Lady didn’t start any school work until that Wednesday!!! (I am one with my soul as a parent)! Don’t Judge! Now, you know some of you have yet to begin homework packets LOL , not unless your school district has online distance learning! In my case my district does not, at least not for 3rd/ 4th graders.

Sooo, back to Ms. Zany AJ’s method to learning madness
..and delay! First, I looked over everything that was in it. Why?... I had to get a complete understanding of what was being taught prior to the abrupt CO-VID-19 school district recess. Reviewing her packet gave me an overall look at what I had to look forward to in the days and weeks to come. (Yippee!) Second, I planned out what our allotted subject times would be in order for her to focus more on subjects that needed more of her time and focus. Next, I incorporated her “mental break” time
. MYYY “mental break” time (Uhhh Yeeess!) Lunch and end of Day learning. Wednesday thru Saturday morning was an awesome success, as I must say so myself!

The reality of it all , is that I am not her school girlfriends and being cooped up in the house with an 8 year old made that very clear! Well, she actually made that very very clear! LOL! So, if you did not know then...Please know now, Childhood Cabin Fever is REAL People...She drove me nuts by day 6! So, Momma’s getting more creative on Day 7 and creating great bonding moments and memories! I also used technology to the best of my ability...We FACETIMED her girlfriends so I could get some work done! (Wink) Stay Tuned to more of our Zany Chatter, Ideas and Activities!

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